Sunday, June 23, 2024

Finished Quilting my granddaughters quilt!!! Hurray!!!

Our oldest granddaughter pieced this quilt many years ago. Then she: joined the army, got married, had a baby, moved to Texas, had another baby!!! Oh my. She is one busy girl, also running half marathons with baby in tow!!! I sent a sewing machine with her to Texas but she wasn't sure aboout doing the quilting and binding as she had never done that be herself before. So I finally finished the quilting today. Later I will get the binding done and sewn on and hopefully pop it in the mail to her by the end of the week as a big surprise!!! It's such a beautiful quilt, I love the fabrics she chose. This is her and I in 2020 pinning the quilt with our supervisor paying close attention!!! Hope you enjoy the photos!!! Martha

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Kawandi plus Slow Stitching small quilt wall-hanging

I made my first Kawandi quilt with the help of Linda from Thank You Linda!!! I was also working on my first Slow Stitch tiny project and decided to meld the two together. So now this sweet little quilt is hanging in our travel trailer. I love it there!!! Makes the trailer feel more like home. Happy Quilting!! Martha

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Mini Wallets

I've been working on some mini wallets these past several days. I had two requests for new wallets from friends then decided to make a couple for my Etsy store and then more gifts. So I have been pretty busy cutting and sewing these. Fifteen layers in total as I use double fusible to put all the layers together. I added some EMF fabric to shield vital information on credit and debit cards. I am really enjoying constructing these. I really love the quilted yellow bee wallet but the denim wallets I think will hold up better to constant use. Right now I am working on matching Peace wallets for a friend and her grand-daughter. I will also make a denim crossover bag for my friend for her birthday out of an old denim pair of jeans of her husbands. I have until the end of June to finish but since I am a bad procrastinator I decided to get started with it now. I have too many things I want to do everyday that I am having a hard time prioritizing!!! hahahahahahahahahaha OK, better get some things accomplished today, take care, Martha

Friday, April 26, 2024

Kawandi Quilting


Hi there. I want to share a new technique that I am learning from  Linda of
Kawandi quilting.
So far, and this is my first and the begining of my first Kawandi quilt, it's totally fun.
I enjoy the relaxed pace of hand-work and a Kawandi quilt is just that, hand-stitching the pieces down to the background and batting.

So far I haven't used any pins to keep the pieces down, just a slow pace and fiddling with each piece to make sure they are lining up with the edge.

Linda has made several Kawandi quilts and is showing me how to do it via emails.

Already on my second stitching round.
So what is a Kawandi Quilt you may be asking?
This is what I found online.

In India, Kawandi means quilt. It is a technique developed by the Siddis (African community brought to India more than 800 years ago). It is made with recycled materials, entirely by hand. The process is engaging, creative, relaxed and sustainable.

If you want more information, I found a more detailed history here.

So I have this Omnigrid portable cutting and pressing station that I NEVER EVER used so it was in my she shed waiting for us to have a yard sale. Well, is this the perfect notion for Kawandi quilting??? 

It fits it perfect, keeps it in place, I can stitch my piece right on it and fold it up when I'm not quilting. And it has carrying handles!!!

Thank goodness we haven't had our yard sale, WHAT ON EARTH WAS I THINKING!!!

So, I am keeping it. 

Close up of my stitching, I can do better and will work on that.
Below shows the backing.
Once all the pieces are on and stitched, it is done!!!

I'm thinking of making some placemats with this technique. I will save them for when we have company!!!

I will post updates as I contine this new fun journey!!!

Friday, April 12, 2024

Slow Stitching just for fun

A friend of mine just made a beautiful slow stitched" sampler so I thought I would like to try something simply and easy to bring along in the car.
This is my first and I am almost done. I have a bit to do on the flower/plant pot and then trying to figure out how to finish it. 
I am considering putting it in the center of a small quilt.
I will let you know when that is done.
I do enjoy a little embroidery and not having to follow any design or instructions is fun.

The photo below is before I had sewn any pieces down and was still contemplating the design.


I've also been making some mini wallets. I will post some photos of them when I finish!!!

Have a lovely weekend!!


Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Fish on Pooh!!!!

I was asked to make a quilt by a previous patient's baby boy. I know how much the daddy loves to fish and he requested Pooh, so I was on the lookout for Pooh fishing. I found the picture of Pooh, but not on fabric, so I printed it out on fabric myself.
Then I added a paperpieced trout jumping out of the water.
I love it and hope they love it too.

I did a large meandering quilt design so the quilt isn't too stiff.

The back is flannel so cozy warm and soft.

Second quilt finish of 2024, I am on a roll!!!!!

Take care and happy Quilting!! Martha


Saturday, January 27, 2024

"Oh The Places We'll Go" and Bailey

I started this quilt about 10 years ago. WHAT!!!! Yes, seriously. It was a jelly roll race at quilt guild. So much fun!!! Mine was not from a jelly roll. I used white and all the 2" strips I'd already cut for watercolor quilts.
It just took me awhile to figure out how to finish it! hahahahahahahahahaha

I painted the words using fabric paint and stencils.

I looked online to find the perfect Shasta camper and 1953 Chevy pickup.

And finally found a good picture of my little Bailey to put in the window. I bought some of that photo fabric that you put through the printer.
I used to make my own and adhere the fabric to freezer paper but my printer will no longer accept it.
Next step is to get the applique hand-sewn to the top and I can get quilting on it.
I have my favorite batting on it's way, Quilter's Dream Wool!!! Love that stuff.

Happy Quilting friends!!!