Sunday, June 23, 2024

Finished Quilting my granddaughters quilt!!! Hurray!!!

Our oldest granddaughter pieced this quilt many years ago. Then she: joined the army, got married, had a baby, moved to Texas, had another baby!!! Oh my. She is one busy girl, also running half marathons with baby in tow!!! I sent a sewing machine with her to Texas but she wasn't sure aboout doing the quilting and binding as she had never done that be herself before. So I finally finished the quilting today. Later I will get the binding done and sewn on and hopefully pop it in the mail to her by the end of the week as a big surprise!!! It's such a beautiful quilt, I love the fabrics she chose. This is her and I in 2020 pinning the quilt with our supervisor paying close attention!!! Hope you enjoy the photos!!! Martha


  1. Lovely! I get summery watermelon vibes from it!

    1. Thank you Cat!! I do love the colors she picked out, very calm summer colors!!!

  2. What a special finish! I love the story that goes with this quilt, and hope it's documented on the quilt label. So-o good! She will be delighted to open the package when it arrives. Well done, both of you!

    1. Thank you Linda. I am so excited to mail it to her!!! I have a pair of duck boots that she wore when she was little, passed it down to her two cousins and now I am planning on sending it on to Texas for her little two year old to wear and then pass it to the little brother. In the box I will have the quilt but not tell her that it is on it's way. She will be expecting the box with just the boots!!!


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