Friday, April 26, 2024

Kawandi Quilting


Hi there. I want to share a new technique that I am learning from  Linda of
Kawandi quilting.
So far, and this is my first and the begining of my first Kawandi quilt, it's totally fun.
I enjoy the relaxed pace of hand-work and a Kawandi quilt is just that, hand-stitching the pieces down to the background and batting.

So far I haven't used any pins to keep the pieces down, just a slow pace and fiddling with each piece to make sure they are lining up with the edge.

Linda has made several Kawandi quilts and is showing me how to do it via emails.

Already on my second stitching round.
So what is a Kawandi Quilt you may be asking?
This is what I found online.

In India, Kawandi means quilt. It is a technique developed by the Siddis (African community brought to India more than 800 years ago). It is made with recycled materials, entirely by hand. The process is engaging, creative, relaxed and sustainable.

If you want more information, I found a more detailed history here.

So I have this Omnigrid portable cutting and pressing station that I NEVER EVER used so it was in my she shed waiting for us to have a yard sale. Well, is this the perfect notion for Kawandi quilting??? 

It fits it perfect, keeps it in place, I can stitch my piece right on it and fold it up when I'm not quilting. And it has carrying handles!!!

Thank goodness we haven't had our yard sale, WHAT ON EARTH WAS I THINKING!!!

So, I am keeping it. 

Close up of my stitching, I can do better and will work on that.
Below shows the backing.
Once all the pieces are on and stitched, it is done!!!

I'm thinking of making some placemats with this technique. I will save them for when we have company!!!

I will post updates as I contine this new fun journey!!!


  1. I remember Linda's posts about her kawandi projects. They do look like fun to make and definitely portable with the right accessories lol! Moral of the story - never give away your quilting supplies. I'd never seen the omnigrid combo you have, it looks very useful, especially for group get-togethers like quilt ministry meetings.

    1. They are fun and the omni grid tool is so perfect for this project. Not only does it make it more portable, but I can stitch on it and press on it. If fit on my lap perfectly when I have it folded up so I can have extra scraps ready to place. Love it!! Thanks for the visit. I am already thinking about my second one!!hahahaha

  2. I'm so glad you're trying Kawandi! Though "trying" isn't the right word to use. It's obvious you're accomplishing it beautifully! And I'm enjoying seeing how you're putting that Omnigrid mat/pressing thing to good use. I have the same one (won in a giveaway) that I regularly take with me to sew-days. However, I've never used it for toting Kawandi. It's a fabulous idea! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you!! I had to really search for the omnigrid mat as it was in my she-shed under items I've been putting in there for our yard sale. It is so perfect because the quilt and extra pieces don't slip around when it's folded up and standing on it's side.
      I am enjoying the process of this quilt techinique. A little confused on how to get the subsequent rows in a perfect alignment for the stitching, but then realized it really is a forgiving method and I can easily move each piece as needed. No constraints to follow after that first round is down. Thanks for the instructions and inspiration, I'm enjoying this so much.


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