Friday, March 6, 2020

Denim bag from an old pair of jeans

I made this little bag WITHOUT a pattern!!!
I actually have a similar bag, not lined, out of canvas and wanted to replicate it for a patient.

I have a patient who makes some really yummy teas and asked her to make some for me. I wanted to give it to my daughter in laws for Christmas. 

She made the tea and brought it in the cute little bag and would not take any money!!!
She said she would prefer bartering for something.
I'm like, what can I do for you???

Well, she loves essential oils, Thieves being her favorite.
So I made her two roller balls. Both have fractionated coconut oil as the base.
One is just Thieves.
The second one is Thieves, Cedarwood, and Orange and smells delightful.
I then made her this bag 💗

I used some fabric from my stash to match the bright green zipper and stitched it up with the same bright green!!

I think it turned out perfect!!!
She was SO SURPRISED when we saw her this week and I handed it over!!!

That's it for now
Happy QuiltingQQ



  1. What a clever way to present your essential oils (barter). I love the green with the denim. But then I think most colors pair nicely with denim. Glad to see the green zipper, you didn't leave any part unadorned. The attention to detail makes any gift more special. (By the way, the photo is my husband. He once had a blog, but somehow the photo never left the web. lol)

    1. Thank you!! And I agree, I love green and blue together and the denim is just sweet with that lime green!! Thanks for the comment!!!

  2. Most excellent! I like the bag, and the essential oils sound very interesting, too... I don't know enough about that, though.


    1. The oils are really fun to work with!! But it is a learning process for sure!!!

  3. What a great trade for both of you. How did you make the roller balls?

    1. Hi Marti,I have little bottles that I got on Amazon for the rollers. They came with the roller and then a screw on lid. Beautiful cobalt blue glass!!! . I think the box had 25 in them and I have already used many. Great for making up little gifts. Hope you are staying well and away from this bug!!! Take care, Martha


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