
Sunday, July 29, 2018

Formline Quilt

We are actually going on our very first cruise and it will be to Alaska with friends. I know I need to bring some hand work along so decided to design an applique quilt using the artwork drawn by my uncle, Russell Mohney.

His original drawing is the small one.

So what is Formline? Per Wikipedia, "Formline art is a feature in the indigenous art of the Northwest Coast of North America, distinguished by the use of characteristic shapes referred to as ovoids, U forms and S forms. Coined by Bill Holm in his 1965 book Northwest Coast Indian Art: An Analysis of Form, the "formline is the primary design element on which Northwest Coast art depends, and by the turn of the 20th century, its use spread to the southern regions as well. It is the positive delineating force of the painting, relief and engraving. Formlines are continuous, flowing, curvilinear lines that turn, swell and diminish in a prescribed manner. They are used for figure outlines, internal design elements and in abstract compositions."

I copied the original on a clear sheet so I could use my overhead projector to trace the lines. Then I colored it all in.

Notice the drawing in the upper Right? That is
another one of my uncles drawings.

I changed  the design of the eye and I don't like it. So I am going to try doing his design but will probably end up painting it.

So for the background?????? It will not be traditional but i think it will work.

So now the task of tracing out all the pieces on freezer paper and compiling all the pieces to take on our trip. I am so excited about the cruise and this quilt.

I have given it the name of "Redemption-Galations 2:20"

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

I love it!!!!

Happy Quilting!!!!

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