
Monday, April 23, 2018

Riley Blake Designs Fabric Challenge for the Modern Quilt Guild-OMG April 2018

This is the finished quilt.

And I am happy to say I made my OMG-One Monthly Goal for April!!!!! Very happy about that!
 I went through so many design ideas before settling with this one.

It had several names from Window Box to Flower Boxes until the quilt decided to name itself. Every time I looked at it I saw Dance!!

I settled on 
"Let's Dance"

And the day that I finished it, while doing some hand sewing, the video of David Bowie singing "Let's Dance" came on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This quilt has some intense background stitching. I wanted to really push back the background to allow the feathers to really pop.

I will show you the progression of the quilting. I love how the three layers become one. Actually for me it is four layers. I put Quilters Dream cotton on the bottom with Quilters Dream wool on top, then of course the backing and the quilt top.

I finished it on the due date, thank goodness. 
I will admit, this is not really modern. I'm not sure that I really understand the concept, I try but I seem to be pretty traditional. 

I still like it a lot and look forward to my next months goal!!!

Happy Quilting and thanks for the visit!!!!!

Martha in sunny Oregon!!!


  1. Wow! Love this happy little quilt! The butterflies are so cute! You inspire me to overcome my fear of feathers!

    1. Thank you Laura!!! Yes, don't fear feathers!!! Just practice doing them, on paper first, then with thread and fabric!!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Wow and Wow!!! Just gorgeous! That was an ambitious OMG and you nailed it!

    1. Thank you so much!!! It was a tough one but feels so good to have it done and on time!!!

  4. Quilting is spectacular. Wonderful Design.

    1. Thank You!!! It was a fun one to work for for sure!!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you so much!!! Putting that last stitch in feels SO GOOD!!!

  6. This is amazing! Good luck to you with your entry! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

    1. Thank you Patty. It helps to have outside motivation to get my projects completed!! Thank you for all you are doing!!

  7. Lovely! Awesome quilting technique.

    1. Thank you DeAnna!! I really had to contemplate how I was going to quilt it, and I am pleased with the results. My goal was to make those feathers pop and they do!!

  8. Wonderful. I love your quilting. (And, honestly, slightly jealous -- I don't have the patience to learn to be that good. It's computerized most of the time for me!)

    1. Hi Bonnie, thank you so much and thanks for the visit!! I learned a lot when I did the 2012 Free Motion Quilting Challenge. What an amazing year it was to learn and practice. So glad I did that.

  9. Fabulous, beautiful, very appealing! I think it isn't traditional, either, so maybe your category is Modern Traditional. Those were the quilts I liked best at Quilt Con last year, and I think this suits the category, too. I love it! What a beautiful heirloom you've made.

    1. Thank you Susan, I think I am ok with it not being real Modern, but I sure like the description of Modern Traditional, perfect!! I hope to one day go to QuiltCon, how fun that would be.

  10. Beautiful and what a great quilting you have made.

    1. Thank you so much!!! I am very pleased with the results and so glad that I followed my heart on this one.

  11. Oh My! This is fabulous. Love every detail. Well Done!

    1. Thank you so much!! It was fun, a bit challenging at time, but so glad I persevered!!!

  12. Wow - Modern or not - that is one amazing quilt! your quilting is ah!mazing!!!!

    1. Thank you so much Alycia!!! It was fun, a little stressful with having a deadline, but I am pleased with the results!!!

  13. I love everything in your quilt! Butterflies, quilting, you made a piece of art

    1. Thank you so much!!! I do love the butterflies in this also. I have it hanging at my work and the patients are really enjoying it. Makes me smile.

  14. gorgeous design & your quilting is amazing!

    1. Thank you Brenda!!! It was a lot of fun designing and quilting, challenging, but fun just the same.

  15. Replies
    1. Thank You Judy!!! It was really fun!! And my arm muscles got a great work out!!!


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