
Saturday, March 31, 2018

Quilted Postcard Exchange

I joined in on a Quilted Postcard Exchange through Elm Street Quilts. Our cards  had to finish at 4 X 6". When we signed up we gave a theme and my recipient chose "Rose".

I was going to do an applique but then decided to do a simple thread piece.

After searching for a simple method to draw a rose I found one that I thought I could do.

But first, I had to prepare my fabric.

 Left over pieces to sew together
 OK, this is it.
 Pinned and ready for the background quilting.
 Curvy crosshatch is so easy.
 I love the texture.

 Because of the size of this piece, I can get several bookmarks and postcards out of it.
 All marked and ready to draw and stitch the rose.

 All drawn and ready to stitch.
 Before stitching and after.
 Need to remark the edges and cut out.
 The layering process.
 Then trim to the finished size.
 Edge stitching.
 Lots of edge stitching.
 If there is any white showing I use marker to cover it up.
 Almost finished.
 This is the ink pad I use and stamp.
 Now we are ready. Just need to pop it into a clear envelope and pray that it makes its' way safely to its' new home. This one headed to Sweden.

Hope you enjoyed the journey.
Happy Quilting


  1. What a gorgeous little piece. So fascinating to see your process for creating these little gems. There are more layers than I would have thought. I love the curved cross hatching too.

    1. Thank You Pat!!! They are really fun to make and mail.

  2. Your postcard is beautiful. The rose is fantastic. Hugs

    1. Thank you Cathy. I sure hope it makes its way safely to Sweden. I haven't heard if it has yet!!??

  3. Love this elegant card, from the background to the stitching to the embroidered it all!

    1. Thank you Laura!! It was sure fun making this one!!! I would like to make several more for friends when time allows.

  4. Beautiful. I don't know how you got your edging so perfect!!!! It's challenging, maybe the most challenging of the whole process but I do love making fabric postcards. Hope it makes it to your partner; she'll love it.

    1. Thank you Marsha. My trick for the edging is making the corners rounded and going around it a minimum of 5 times!!! I put a lot of thread on that edge but it really makes for a nice finish.


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