
Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Quilted Postcards

I am still making quilted postcards. These little gems are so fun to make and even more fun to mail!!

I made this one for a postcard exchange. The theme was kites. I loved doing the thread tail. I'm thinking of doing this one again only a little bigger with a really long thread tail!!!

 Hats was the theme for this one and I decided to try doing a watercolor design. I haven't done any watercolor quilts in awhile, so this was fun to do!! Below shows the back and yes, this was mailed off to another land!!!

Forgot to take the finished photo of this one!! You can see the outline of the finished piece. I mailed this one to a friend who used to be a patient of mine. Now that we are not doing family practice I don't get to see her. Saddens me. I mailed this to her as a surprise to brighten her day. Now she has a little piece of my heart.

The really wonderful thing about these little quilted postcards is that they fit perfectly in a 4" X 6" frame. So they can easily hang on the wall as a piece of artwork!!!

If you want to try your hand at making a quilted postcard, click here for my most updated tutorial!!!

I have a really important project that I am working on and I will share the finished product with you soon. But here is a little peek at what I have been up to!!!

HMMMMMMM...... What could that be??? More later!!!

Take care friends and I shall be back!!! Martha

1 comment:

  1. such beautiful postcards they must brighten up the day when received. Your felting is coming along well too. Will check out your tutorial too, I seem to think I have a book on stitching postcards must check for that as well


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