
Friday, May 24, 2013

Dear Jane's Little School

This is what I made today!!!
Our guild is having a challenge for our quilt show in September.!!
I saw some little red school house blocks on and I thought, what a fabulous idea!!! How fun to put  Dear Jane blocks within the school house block!!! So I drafted my own pattern to fit the Dear Jane 4 1/2" finished blocks and got to work.
I chose to use pink for my school houses. I will dedicate this quilt to all the little girls in the world who want to go to school and the teachers who risk thier lives to teach them in secret!!  It is so sad that so many are not allowed to learn simply because they are girls. It is incredible, truly, despicable!!
I made Dear Jane block C-3/Rayelle's Fence and assembled all the pieces. Sorry about the blurry photo!!
I even made a paper piece pattern for the roof. I am not great with angles. I actually earned an F in geometry in high school, so angles kind of send me into a panic!! :)
I borrowed the name for the quilt from these books that my Aunt Marie gave to me when I was 11 and visiting her in Fairhaven Massachusetts. She gave me the books on June 27, 1968. The books were given to her by Mary Sanderson and Mabel Gifford on Christmas day, 1937. I do cherish these books. I think I need to re-read them again!!!
This one is 76 years old!!
I am planning on making 9 blocks total to make a nice wall hanging!!! Or perhaps I will give it to the new grand-daughter due the end of September!!?? :^)
I am planning on doing a lot more sewing and quilting this holiday weekend!!! Four whole days to do what ever I want to do!! How fun is that?????????????

Happy Memorial Day everyone, take care and keep those needles sharp!!! Martha


  1. I love your Dear Jane house blocks!
    VERY clever and creative Martha! :)

  2. These would make such a sweet baby quilt! Congratulations on your new granddaughter-to-be! We won't find out whether our September grandbaby is a boy or girl until the birthday.

  3. Thank you both for the lovely comments!!! I think this will be a fun little quilt to make and I have the perfect recipient!! Congratulations on a new grandbaby Quilting Babcia!! How wonderful!! Take care and thanks for the visit!!

  4. That is a brilliant inspiration, very creative!

  5. How exciting that you have a new grandbaby girl coming in Sept. I love your quilt. Glad to hear that you will have sewing and quilting time this holiday weekend.


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